




The Italic spirit returns… Winter Medieval Black Metal from the Mounts of Sibylla! Hesperia’s new album “Fra Li Monti Sibillini” is out today on CD, 2-LP and all streaming platforms!

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“Aber unter Kopfhörern im Winterwald – oder in finsteren Burgen und modrigen Kerkern – bieten HESPERIA sicher lohnenswerte Alltagsfluchten.”
(Deaf Forever D)

“Take the time with a good beer, or coffee like me, and sit back and undergo a trip inspired Italy’s bygone stories.”
(Exquisitedeathzine USA)

“Fra Li Monti Sibillini” ist eher ein vertontes Theaterstück als ein Musik-Album und auf diesen Umstand muss man sich definitiv einlassen, um das Ganze wirklich fassen zu können.”
(Metal Only D)

Hesperia is a one-man concept band focused on Italian culture and history. Hesperia is the ancient and obscure name of the Italic lands ruled by the mythological sovereign Hesperus.

After exploring the pre-Roman era with a tetralogy based on the Roman poem Aeneid and the Roman era with two volumes about Rome, it’s now time for the Medieval Italic age: “Fra Li Monti Sibillini (Black Medieval Winter Over The Sibylline Mounts)” is a Medieval journey through the Sibylline Mounts, located in central-eastern Italy (Marche region, the region of Hesperus), filled with obscure legends and a truly dark history: heretics, witches, alchemists, necromants, goat fairies, the Inquisition, hidden villages/mountains/gorges, and… the sorceress Sibylla.

Legend and history intertwine, real places and real stakes, legendary characters and real people, accompanied by Medieval Black Metal with significant ‘90s influences (Immortal and Satyricon in particular), with elements of authentic medieval music and ambient parts that will truly transport the listener to these obscure places. This album is your ultimate key and path to the subterranean realm beneath the Mounts of Sibylla.
